Saturday, October 13, 2007

Why You Can't Earn Money From Home

I suppose can’t is a fairly strong word. The truth is you can earn money online. Anyone can! You, your brother, even your great aunt, you can all earn money from home. If the possibility is there for all of us to become successful then why are there not more success stories?

Are all the good ideas taken? From first glance it may seem so. Google almost every possible business idea and you’ll find your fair share of competition. This is usually made up of one company that has hit the nail on head and serves it customers the way a net business should, a handful of copycat business that manage to make a profit by staying on the heels of the leading company and a countless number of websites operating at a loss.

But the good ideas are not all taken. There’s always room for your ideas, your creatives, your passions. The trick is to find a way to take all the passion, and creativity that lurks within all of us and turn it into something that others will essentially want to pay for. And to do in a way that lets you compete head to head with the leading companies.

Are you not smart enough to earn money from home? Of course not! While education is needed to make some businesses ago, for example, don’t set up a website about oral hygiene unless you have some relative experience as a dentist, most work from home opportunities are straightforward and can be done by anyone with decent reading and writing capabilities.

You don’t need a degree in rocket science to own a profitable dot-com business. In fact unless you decide to start from scratch you can earn money from home running an already made website or selling an already made product.

As long as you are willing to learn how to earn money from home you can look forward to at least some degree of success.

But the whole “work hard and you’ll be somebody” discussion is preschool philosophy. You know that if you want something you have to work for it. And while money can literally be made in your sleep if you work from your computer, there has to be some action done prior to before you can collect any sort of reward.

So then is the problem a lack of ambition?

Are you too lazy to earn money from home? This seems like a plausible excuse. If you are not willing to put in the effort then it’s certain that you won’t see those efforts yield results. However, majority of people work their tails off trying to establish themselves online. Therefore, is it a lack of ambition or lack of realistic hope?

The notion of being your own boss has long since been an overly glamorized one. And the internet takes that dream and builds it ten fold. What could be faster than the internet? We associate the internet with speed and accessibility so we tend to believe that it is a medium for fast cash. I’ve never known any business guru to make fast cash. It takes years of trial and error to reach the success that so many crave.

There is not one good excuse I can think of for not earning money from home. Anyone who really wants to earn money from home can do it. Can it be done easily? Not in most cases. Can it be done overnight? Never. But it can be done; you can earn money from home.

Adelaide Kwaning is an established ghost writer and e-entrepreneur. You can find more work from home resources by visiting

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