Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How to Money Scams-Juvio - MACH90 - $1.67 a Day

Since I love to expose Online Scams, my friends come to me from time to time when they get taken in by something and this trio of Sister companies is no exception. I hope that by sharing these experiences with others, we can help someone avoid the same fate that my colleague suffered.

The best way to expose this scam is to tell you the tru story that happened to my friend Steve. He was on the computer one day and saw an email come in. It said, "you have a sign up." Steve had to admit, he was a little curious because it wasn't from any of the companies that he was used to dealing with. So he opened the email and read what was inside. It basically said that he had a sign up, gave a person's name and then said, if you sign up now you'll have X amount of dollars in your account.

At first, Steve ignored it because it wasn't that much money and he knew that signing up was going to cost him anyway. He let it go.

Then the emails got more and more intense. One after the other, they came in faster than he could keep up with them. Eventually Steve was up to about 43 members and the money in his account was over $1200! Steve decided to check it out, so he went to the site, Mach90 and read what was there. The sign up fee was about $50 but he figured what the heck, he had already made $1200 plus. Why not give it a shot? So he paid and signed up.

When he called to get information and in passing asked the representative when he would get his money. She said he "wouldn't". Okay, he was a little confused at this point. So Steve said "I don't understand. It said in the email that I was getting all this money because all these people signed up under me. Why don't I get it?" her answer was a very cryptic one, but basically what she told him was that he would only get the money if he had signed up before those people did! Then she said that he would only get money from people who signed up after him and WHO HE PERSONALLY SPONSORED!

Needless to say, Steve told her to cancel his membership and called them the biggest crooks he'd come across. He was then told that in order to get a refund, he had to do it online. She told Steve that she couldn't help him.

Of course, he went online and requested a refund. The problem was, it never went through. It took 3 days and the threat of a lawsuit if they didn't debit back his card. Finally on the 4th day he received a refund.

To tell people that they have all of this money just to get them to sign up and then tell them that it really was not legit to begin with, well that's just plain wrong and should be illegal.

I checked and Juvio, Mach90 and $1.67 a day are still going strong. If you see any of these names, run as fast as you can. Or call them and see if they'll give you the money in your account before you sign up!

If you want to know the real Truth about Home Based Business Opportunities, then go to and get my free report. Home Based Business Opportunities Exposed-Never Get Scammed Again. If you want a legitimate way to make $50k from home online then go to for honest opportunities and resources.

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