Monday, October 29, 2007

Ways To Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online.

You can create a website that serves up Adsense ads.

You can put up Pay Per Click ads and refer prospects to a review page which then directs them to a merchant site.

You can capture the names of visitors to a website through an opt-in form and send them emails about your own product or products to which you have resale rights.

You can make money selling products in auctions like eBay. These can be physical products you have in your possession, digital products, or drop ship products.

You can offer a service other marketers need like web-hosting, autoresponders, website building, or copywriting.

And you can create a membership site, like an Internet Marketing School or a Resale Depot, to offer a constant service.

However, regardless of your choice of revenue models, there is a primary way to make money online. This primary way is to build a solid foundation.

If someone were to ask you about your Internet Marketing foundation, how would you answer? If you have to think about it, you need to think about this idea in depth. Without a foundation, you're building a house of cards. It will blow over with a breeze.

Strong foundations are important for everything in life. When you build anything, a family, an education, or a business, you want to have a strong foundation. This is almost an axiom for a brick-and-mortar business. The bank, the property owner, your partners, and any other interested parties want to know if you have a business plan. They want the security of knowing they are doing business with someone who has thought things through. If you don't have one you're considered wildly irresponsible. Chance are you will lose any support for your enterprise.

Unfortunately, on the internet, this concept appears to be as elusive as common sense. The ease with which a person can adopt a revenue model and the diverse options available make people leap from one idea to the next without much forethought.

Yet there is a price to pay for the swift inception of a new niche or a new marketing angle. It is a heavy price. Yet it often goes unnoticed. That price is the loss of focus.

Occasionally, you hear about focus when a guru attributes the value of focus as the root of their success or when you read on a forum about someone who has just lost their business.

Focus, however, is much more than paying attention to something and following through on an idea. It is something that only occurs when there is a foundation. Quite simply, without a foundation, focus dissipates like a dust storm. This happens because a thousand and one seductive options constantly bombard the online entrepreneur.

A foundation is a business plan. It is knowing the overall purpose and mission of your business. It is also knowing what to do from day to day. And because the internet is always evolving, it should be a plan that has flexibility. A foundation is like the theme of a novel or the plot of a play. Despite the multiple events that happen, a thread of consistency runs through them.

In summary, then, while there are many ways to make money online, you need to have an overall game plan that glues all the diverse elements of your revenue model or models together. Without this foundation, focus is lost, and with it the productivity you need to make an ongoing success of your business.

Saleem Rana, an Internet Marketer since 2004, shows you just how easy it can be to create a website and market it to the world. Using a special marketing dashboard, every step of the process is carefully explained. You can learn more here:

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