Monday, October 29, 2007

Can You Really Still Make Money On the Web?

So you've tried affiliate programs and surveys and everything you can think of under the sun. Well, don't loose hope yet. It's still possible. Making money online that is. You just need the right tools in your belt. If you have a website, there are a few things that are imperative to get the sales rolling in.

Create a mailing list! I cannot stress how important a mailing list is. It keeps you in contact with all your users and keeps them informed. With your auto responder you also have good ad space you can use when you send emails out.

Write your own newsletter. It is another awesome tool for keeping in touch with your site visitors and you can also offer them something of value within the letter. There's no limit to your choices. You could offer creative ideas that have to do with the content on your site, I personally don't know what that is, but you do, it's your site!

Well, if you don't already have a website, then you should make one. There are alot of free website builders out on the net, so start looking. It's not hard, and you can get your site up on the web for cheap, about 10 bucks for a whole year. is a good one. With your site, you will be able to gain visitors trust and also be able to form a relationship with the customer or visitor. This makes it more likely that they will come back to the site, and buy, browse, etc.

Well, someone has to be getting rich off of affiliate programs. Get your buisness out there and create your own affiliate program. It's almost free advertising, depending what kind of commission you give. The point is to get traffic to your site and then follow up that traffic with emails and newsletters. One other tip is to develop a sales angle for your site, or product, or whatever you're trying to sell. Why is it the best, why do people want to buy from you and not others? What will you get at your site that you won't receive at other sites? Sales angle, get it?

Well, hopefully these tips will help you get on your way to becoming a better sales person and even raking in some extra cash. Find out about a product that helped me on my way here.

Garrett H
Phone: 609-402-2832

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