Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Make Money With Ebays "About Me"

- If you have an eBay account you also have a free “about me” page available to you. It’s one of the lesser used features among eBay sellers, but it’s one of the most powerful features in my opinion. Visit eBay Click on the “services” link at the top of the page Find the “about me” page link on the next page For additional “about me” page resources please visit the resource page. If you can’t find the about me page just look for an eBay seller that has an about me page and visit it by clicking the red and blue “me” that appears near their user ID. There is a link to create your own “about me” page at the bottom of all existing “about me” pages on eBay. Once your “about me” page is set up a blue and red “me” will appear next to your eBay user ID. You’ve probably noticed these on eBay before. Most people use the “about me” page to talk about their interests and hobbies – we’ve got bigger plans in store.

If you aren’t familiar with the “about me” page that eBay offers all registered eBay users, you need to read up on it and check out what other sellers have done with their “about me” page. The “about me” page is one of the most powerful features of eBay, but so very few people use it correctly.

You will need to stay on top of the ever-changing eBay policies, but take heart! There is a lot of pressure on eBay to stay VERY friendly about the “about me” page policies. There are MANY big name sellers on eBay now that have links to their own “brick and mortar” businesses on the eBay “about me” page. This is also not a black and white issue. If you are ever contacted by eBay about a policy violation of any kind it is in your best interest to respond politely and with full compliance to any request they make. Remember you are the customer and eBay wants to keep your business, but they don’t want to be used simply as a sign-post for your “non-eBay” business affairs. Scratch their back and they’ll scratch yours.

There is a delicate balance going on: One of eBay’s biggest concerns is the “leaking” of eBay traffic to non- eBay sites. Meanwhile, all smart eBay sellers seek to maximize their marketing dollars by making as many sales as possible without paying fees out the nose for every transaction. In this game it pays to know the rules. Since you cannot offer items directly for sale on your “about me”, you offer:

-more info on your items
-a recommendation to a web site you like (yours or someone else’s)
-free tips on how to do something
-links to your other auctions selling your ‘impulse items’
-links to your other eBay accounts selling ‘impulse items’
-an offer to join a free newsletter
Get the idea? There is always a creative solution that doesn’t break the rules. Just be cool.

Notice I don’t need ‘bidders’ to make $$$, just ‘hits’! Here are some ‘auction hits’ tips:

-Run the auction for the maximum number of days (currently 10) instead of 3, 5 or 7. You’ll get more exposure for your advertising dollar.
-Start the item price as low as you can – higher prices will limit the exposure your ad gets. If I know that an item I’m selling will get a lot of hits I always start bidding at a penny.
-Avoid using eBay’s "Buy It Now" feature in your listings because it can end your auction early and you miss potential hits and exposure for your business.
-Don't limit potential bidders/hits by only shipping to the country you live in. If possible ship worldwide and you’ll have a larger audience viewing your auctions.
-Sell popular items! Even if others are selling the same items you are it’s a good product if you are getting a lot of hits!

-Don’t forget to BUY THINGS ON EBAY (or at least place bids)! Having sellers looking at your “about me” page will get you traffic too! I know of people that scour eBay looking for penny auctions placing bids on all of them. If they have a good eBay ID they get FREE exposure.
-Use customer requests for more information to your advantage.
-Set up an autoresponder to answer email inquiries that are generated from your auctions. And you are on your way.

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