Saturday, October 13, 2007

Make Money Cleaning Memorial Headstones

Cleaning headstones really is a simple thing and that’s why it is a great business opportunity. I have made as much as $220 on a headstone that took me 25 minutes to clean! So can you! Just like you people care about their loved ones and continue doing so after they have passed. They want their headstone to be bright and shiny for many years to come.

While you will need to take some time to research how to clean and maintain the different types of stones (generally granite, marble, limestone and bronze) The marketing factor of the business is quite simple. People desire your services and are willing to pay you for them with little resistance. However you should never exploit a person regarding their loss or make any false claims about your service. For your business to be succesfull you must be sensitive to the many issues that can be felt by someone seeking your services. The easiest way to market is newspaper. Make up an ad preferably with some pictures and your phone number. The calls will roll in. If Memorial Day is heavily celebrated in your area be sure and place it at least one month in

advance of memorial day. I usually start April 1st!!! I have also made flyers and faxed, emailed or hand delivered them to cemeteries. Quite often they will get asked if they do cleanings and they can then refer business to you. Also this is a great way to get to know them as you will at times require a cemeteries permisson to do cleaning. I never market around cemeteries directly and in some areas it is illegal so I would advice you not bother. I have however had many occasions where I have been cleaning one stone and had some one come up to me and ask if I would do their's. Now that's Awesome. Be sure to get the good info when taking an order. What cemetery, name on stone, dates, other identifying features. Also customer contact info.

This will totally help when it comes time to go out on clean. I try to organize all this info by spreadsheet. Don’t forget to be nice. Customer service applies to all businesses and it will help you out in the long run to continue to get more business and keep it. Plus it will ensure quick payment and money in your pocket! Good Luck!

Kendrick Lester runs several cleaning services in the Northwest. Get his full report on how to clean all types of headstones and operate a headstone cleaning business at

Kendrick Lester is better known as the "Mad Scientist" of the small business world. He specializes in experimenting with simple small business models that have worked for several people over the years and "spicing" them up for bigger beefier profits. You can contact him at

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