Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Is There Really a Way To Make Money Online?

Believe it or not, the fact that you are reading this article right now has already proven my point. I know that may sound a little confusing at first, but once you allow me to explain then you'll have that voice in the back of your head saying "Ahhh, now I get it!"

I am sure that at some point in time you have had your inbox crammed full of information on how you can become a millionaire over night, and all they have to do it buy their "proven" system and "abra-ca-dabra" you are rich. If that was really the case then every single one of us would be wealthy and there would be no need for any of this. I am always honest about my past failures. At first, I bit on everyone of these schemes thinking that with a shotgun approach I was bound to find something that would work...Wrong!!! I have come to realize that these guys are strictly salesmen, and some of them are very good at it. They were the only people that were making money, off of me and a lot of people just like me.

Some of these programs had some "real potential" or at least that is what I thought. They actually made sense, they had step-by-step instructions, all kinds of "testimonials" from people who were getting stinking rich from that program. My favorite is when they get "gurus' just like themselves to hype up the program like it is a breakthrough of epic proportions. But all they do is trade off recommendations to help make themselves even wealthier. It just seemed to be the same thing day after day...the programs themselves were starting to contain the exact same information, just a different title and some added hype.

Honestly, I gave up...I had lost all faith in some of the so-called gurus who were pushing products that did nothing but pad their own pockets. I knew that with the sheer size of the internet and the rapidly growing number of internet users that there was unlimited potential out there, but I just couldn't find a way to tap into it. To be honest with you, I didn't give up...I just had to take a long break. My pessimism was taking over and there was really no drive in me to keep looking, besides I was tapped out. With all the programs, PPC advertising, and web design and hosting costs, I just had no more money to spend on it!

During my "break", my wife made a comment to me that I will never forget. She basically said "Why in the hell do you need millions of dollars, anyway?" Honestly, I could have come up with all kinds of answers to that question, but thinking to myself I knew that everyone of them would sound extremely selfish and greedy. And that wasn't who I was. Honestly, who wouldn't want to make a million dollars, but the question is do we really need it.

Believe it or not, I honestly took her words to heart. It actually lit another spark under me to get back out there, but this time I wasn't looking to get rich. I just wanted on "real" opportunity to make some extra money, no matter how little it was. I didn't want to spend any money on the "get rich quick" schemes, in fact, I didn't even want to spend any extra money on marketing. I was going to do it my own way! That is when I found out the power of article marketing. A free way of getting information out to the masses without having to spend a cent.

So that is exactly what I did. I joined some affiliate programs, and starting writing articles, lots of them. But oddly enough, I was still spending less time on the computer than I had done previously, and I was definitely spending less money. There wasn't much happening at first, but I can still remember the first time I checked my account and found that I had been credited for a sale. I was ecstatic!! It was only $34 dollars, but I didn't care because something that I was doing actually worked. So I kept at it, just writing one or two articles a day. Eventually I was being credited for sales on a regular basis and sometimes I was averaging $100 a day. At one point, I thought to myself if I could double or triple my efforts then I could make even more money. But I stopped myself right there! I didn't want to find myself in the same mindset that I was previously, I had no reason to become greedy.

Now let me stop for a second and refer back to the first paragraph of this article. Remember, I mentioned that the fact that you were reading this was already proving my point. It didn't cost me a single cent to submit this article, and with the experience that I have had I was able to write this in about 15 minutes. Do you know that there are nearly a thousand article directories on the web, obviously some are more popular than others, but they are still out there, available to everyone that uses the internet. If you submit an article someone will read it, I guarantee it. Some articles will be read more than others, but someone will read what you have to say.

What if you could tie that into something, say an info-product on a topic that you are very familiar with. How many articles could you write on that topic? 50, 60, maybe even a hundred. And then you submit those articles to a minimum of 20 different article directories. Just think of the exposure that you could get without spending a single dime! These articles will eventually turn into sales for you, and before you know it you could have a steady stream of income that wasn't there, say a month ago. If this is of interest to you, or you just want to find out more, I have actually set up a 3 day e-course on how you can put it to use. It is what I lovingly refer to as the $100 a Day Income System. And guess what, sticking to the theme of this article, this e-course won't cost you a single dime. So let's get started!!

Be a part of the Grand Opening of the new Affiliate Mega Store. A unique website that will offer you all the information and tools that you will ever need to drive in the traffic, convert one sale after another, and crush your competition! Best of all, there will be NO $50+ price tags! Stop spending loads of money on "hyped-up techniques" that don't bring in a single cent!

Christopher William "Affiliate Marketing used to be a hobby of mine, but it has now turned into a passion...The last sale still feels just as good as the first!"

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