Friday, November 16, 2007

4 Steps to Make Money With Search Engine Optimization

It's always best that when you have a website, you aim of getting indexed in search engines, such as in Google, Yahoo, and MSN. You cannot definitely imagine how many Internet users all over the world are visiting them every day. Certainly, when you gain a good spot in them, you can generate the traffic that you've always dreamed of for your website.

So how do you list yourself in search engines? Here are 4 steps to make money with search engine optimization.

1. Vary your anchor links. You may make use of the same anchor text, but make sure that they direct to different pages. Better yet, to be in a safer position, vary your anchor texts and links all together. You don't like to make your articles appear like they are only created to stuff all of your links.

2. Provide your target customers some more. There are many benefits you can get when you give your customers more than what they want. If you can offer them ezines and even free stuff such as ebooks, courses, tutorials, and what-have-yous, they will be more than willing to link to your or share your website with others.

3. Create variations in your title tags. Never dare to underestimate the smartness of search engine spiders. They can definitely detect if you are doing black hat techniques to increase the popularity of your website and get a page rank right away. Thus, to avoid getting penalties from search engines, create different titles in your title tag. For one, it should match the webpage. Second, it's simply the right thing to do.

4. Avoid keyword stuffing in keyword tag. The keyword tag of websites allows you to identify the keywords and phrases that can best describe your website. It makes you more search engine friendly. However, keyword stuffing or spamming is definitely frowned upon.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to SEO success, 'Secrets of SEO'

Download it free here: SEO Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Making Money With Adsense

Google Adsense can be one of the most lucrative ways to make money online. A website can be well monetized by using Google Adsense. You can generate an extremely large income if you have your website set up correctly. However, if your website is not set up correctly you could be missing out on money that could otherwise be collecting in your bank account. I'm guessing none of us want to leave any money behind.

Earning money using Adsense is very simple and you can be earning a fantastic income within a couple of months. It can take a little time and effort to get your website up and running the right way but it is well worth it in the end. Once your website is up and running and making money then it will run almost on auto pilot.

So you will want to spend the time at the beginning to get it right and make the most of your website. This way your Adsense income will reach it's fullest potential. You will be amazed at the great results you will see in a short period of time.

The first thing you will need to do in setting up your website is to write some good quality content articles and make sure you use your keywords throughout your articles. If you have a gift of writing, then why not make that gift work in your favour and use it on a website and earn some income with it.

Don't start to panic if you don't have that gift for writing, even if writing doesn't come easily to you, writing articles can still be easy. You will need to start by doing some research and find information relating to the topic of your website. You can find information on the internet, in books or at the library. Always make sure that you rewrite any information you find into your own words, never copy someone else's information word for word.

Search engines will reward you for having good quality content on your website, so make sure you keep up with the demands of the search engines and keep your content good and unique. By doing this the search engines will love your site and will reward you with good rankings.

Build a good quality site with unique content and a good usage of keywords and this will ensure that the Adsense ads placed on your site will relate to your sites topic. This is where all that you've done initially will go to and this is also where they will prove their worth to you.

Where you position your ads on your site can be very important. Don't just place your ads anywhere, make sure you position them carefully. Try to position your ads where surfers are most likely to click on them. The one place that surfers look first when they visit a website is the top left. The reason for this is because that is where your website navigation links are usually located. So by placing your Adsense ads directly under your navigation links will usually get some good clicks.

Even if you think you are doing well with your Adsense earnings, it can still pay to play around with your ads. There are techniques and styles that can help to generate more clicks and sometimes just by tweaking your ads your earnings can be doubled or even tripled. By working out what techniques work the best for your site, you can be earning much more than what many people earn through their Adsense websites.

Stay away from banner ads and skyscraper ads - they don't tend to get as many clicks as the other ads. These ads are clearly recognized as an advert and so many internet surfers tend to ignore these types of ads. There is no point in putting ads on your website that aren't going to get you the clicks you want, it will be more beneficial to use ad types that are more likely to receive a higher click through rate.

To really make a great income with Adsense, you should have a definite focus on what you want to achieve and how to go about achieving it. Like any business venture, you need to give it time and patience.

Keep an eye on your ads and click through rates, if you aren't seeing enough clicks then play around with your ads a bit and keep track of which ads perform better for you.

Sheryl Polomka is the author of 'Income With Adsense. The affordable ebook that gives you the REAL secrets to making an income using Adsense.

Reach Your Real Adsense Income Potential with Income With Adsense

Top 10 Ways of Making Money Online Without List Building

1.) Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing means selling other peoples' products for a percentage of profit. Offline it is called: Selling on Commission. But it is much easier Online since you don't have to talk to anybody face to face, or bother anybody with your unwanted phone calls.

You can easily use internet marketing and advertising methods like pay per click advertising, articles writing and distribution, ezine marketing, blog posting, banners and all the other known Internet marketing and advertising methods for promotion.

Here belongs also what is called Affiliate Brokering where You find valuable products and recruit other people with lists to sell for you like a 2nd tier affiliates.

2.) Contextual Advertising

Basically Pay Per Click method from the "opposite" side. You place a little code on your site and you get paid when somebody clicks on one of those little ads. One of the Most Passive streams of income.

The most known are Google's Adsense, Yahoo Search Marketing ads, but there are so many more contextual advertising companies and styles that there could be a whole book written about them.

3.) Auctions and Classifieds

You most likely heard at least of Ebay, and other auction sites, or Craig list and other classifieds. You can sell items on those without ever having to send one newsletter.

In a case of Classifieds it is usually even Free.

4.) Lead Generation and CPA offers

Also similar to Affiliate Marketing however here you don't get paid per "sale" but per "action" people will take, i.e. fill-in a form, download a free trial or for getting a sample - can be free or just a for a small shipping and handling fee.

The difference is that Cost Per Action deals are fully online based, Lead generation can be also a 100% online, however the most profitable method is to sell the leads you get through your online marketing to the Offline Companies.

This can be quite lucrative as almost every business has a need for more fresh targeted leads and if you are able to deliver you can make quite an amount of money.

5.) Selling Text links

If you have a high trafficked site you can sell "Premium" links on it. Use brokers, or sell your own - either you contact other owners in your niche or they contact you.

6.) Creating Directories or Forums

The idea goes like this: you create a Niche Directory - be it an Article Directory or a Link Directory, or a Forum, then promote it so it gets a High PR rank and then either sell Premium Links on it, or put Contextual ads on it, or even banners!

7.) Blogging

Many influential bloggers are making Very good money these days. So How do you do it? Create a niche blog, update it often, don't be afraid to express your view/opinion, submit it to blog directories, and to other Web 2.0 sites to make your blog visible and known.

Then of course put advertisement on our blog, be it for products you get a commission for, or contextual ads, or text links or any other form of online advertisement.

These days you can also get paid for being a professional blog "reviewer" where other people/companies will pay you for the review of their site, products or services.

8.) Widget creation for Web 2.0 sites

This is a very good, mostly underutilized method of making money. If you are capable of creating a little "widgets" or "gadgets" for those immensely popular Web 2.0 sites like MySpace, Facebook etc. you can make lots of money as the widgets become popular and people will pass them on.

When you create a widget you always embed info about your site or the site you are promoting into it, so as the widget becomes more and more popular, more and more people will be exposed to your message or link.

Usually the widgets are free, but could be also paid if they are highly targeted to the particular site users. Usually just for a small fee which people won't even think about. Or have a free version to get people used to it, then charge for a "Pro" version when they become addicted. ;-)

If you are not capable of creating one of these little applications by yourself you can always hire someone to do it for you.

9.) Professional "Content Creator" - Freelancing

This is one method not too many people are thinking about. There are many ways how to be a "professional content creator" - how I call it.

The most known is creating Private Label Right products and sell the Master or Resale rights to others, however there are also many other ways how to get paid for Content creation:

You can become a Content creator for hire where f.e. you offer manually post comments to influential targeted blogs, or popular forums.

If you live in USA you can also get paid for your articles. Visit for more info.

You can also offer to do a Customer support (= a Highly sought after skill!), Tutoring or even your Offline skills you have to your local market. Again, you Don't need a mailing list for freelancing.

You can utilize sites like,, proper forums, even Auction or Classified sites for offering your skills.

10) Domaineering = selling sites for profits

The idea goes like this: You buy an established domain name - usually expired, you develop it and then sell for a profit later on. Kinda like Real-estate selling offline.

There are people who are making millions with this method, which also means that an ordinary person usually does not have a chance to snap a "good" expired domain name, however there is also another option anybody can use.

Basically, buy a catchy domain name in an interesting niche, then simply develop that site over the time as much as you are willing to and Then offer it for sale. Fully developed sites have much Higher value than just plain domain names.

If you want to take a shortcut to make money from your websites with the majority of the work done already for you and earning an income from several different sources much faster then read more details about this complete Turn-key Solution. Visit so You can start making money online.

How To Start Making Money On The Internet

Maybe you've heard people say that you can get rich on the Internet. But, if you are serious about making money on the Internet, remember, it's not a get rich overnight business. Internet success takes time, effort and knowledge. There's no easy "get rich quick" method, so you need to spend the time for building income stream from your web site.

You can find many kinds of web sites that have the aim, directly or indirectly, to make money. Apart from the online retailers who are using their sites to directly make money, you can find many web sites with various money making features.


They were one of the first ways of making money from hobby web sites, however they are not so popular now since most surfers don't even look at them. In fact, the click-through rate (the percentage of visitors who actually click on a banner) has steadily dropped, from around 5% 4 years ago to less than 0.5% now.


Under this category are things such as free lotto tickets and various games where you can win prizes. Often, these are implemented as pop-ups and are much more annoying than banners.

Affiliate programs

They pay you a percentage of the sales you generate for them, or for each visitor you send. This is one of the best ways of making money on the Internet. You don't have to spend time and energy creating your own product. And some of them pay 50% commission. See Affiliate programs for more information on building income from affiliate programs.

For more information on these examples get the 99 cent ebooks at Informationebooks.Ezwebmall.Biz


Donald Martin

Fast Money

Millions of people are turning to the web for fast money. Many have gotten themselves into financial trouble and are over their head in debt, while others are looking to make some extra money so they can ensure they don't get into trouble.

Millions are people are searching in hopes of being able to get out of the day-to-day rat race. I can imagine people not wanting to sit in traffic for ours before they even get to their day job. That sounds really ugly, but millions to it every day in the big cities. At the time of this writing unemployment it at an all time low, however there are still plenty of people looking for work. The Internet is a great place to turn, because the cost to work at home is minimal and the learning curve is small.

You can see the desire by looking at the key word phrases being searched for on a daily basis. They are phrases such as fast money, make money fast, cnbc fast money, make money fast and easy, make money fast online and making money fast. This is only a few out of hundreds of requests.

The problem is many people just do a search and jump into the program that looks the easiest, pays the most and promised everything. I'm sure you can figure out what happens next. They either get scammed or they think they will make money without putting in any effort and it won't happen. That's why they call it work at home, because you have to do some work from home. The effort is normally far less than a day job, but you still have to put in some effort.

The reason why people jump so quickly is the need for fast cash. We are in what I like to call a microwave era where everyone want things fast. If you want to make some cash on the Internet it can be done, but you have to either do your research or use a web site that has done some research to ensure you are getting into the best possible programs.

There are many programs available whether it is Online Paid Surveys, Data Entry, Type At Home, Mystery Shoppers or Telephone Answering. This is just a few, but each one involves narrowing down your selections to just a few companies out of the thousands that are on the web. You must either use a web site or be able to spend hours researching or you are probably going to get into the wrong program. If you do the research one way or the other there is plenty of good programs, whereby you can make some really nice money on the Internet. You more than likely have the skill sets required to do any of the task required.

You probably already have most if not all of what you will need such as a computer, printer, access to the Internet, word processor and spell check. Please feel free to read more of this article by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.

Michael Comeau has been owner of many successful businesses over the years including his current online business which can be viewed at

You may also find more articles by Michael Comeau at

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Are You Habitually Losing Money?

Psychologists tell us that up to 90% of our behavior is habitual.

If you have a habit of letting your receivables get overdue, which is one of the most common unsuccessful habits, you will always get a predictable result. Negative habits breed negative consequences.

If your negative habit is letting your accounts receivables get overdue you want to choose a better, more successful habit to replace that. There are steps you can take to change this habit:

1. Review your accounts receivables weekly or at the very least, monthly.
2. Stay motivated by trying to collect as much money as possible.
3. Stay focused; don't let excuses veer you off track.

Once you have these habits in place, keeping your receivables up to date will be your new habit and a habit that makes you more money and helps you grow your business. Those are the kinds of habits we want and that can determine who is successful and who is not!

You may want to train yourself or your collectors or Credit manager for their debt collection tasks. Some areas that you or your staff may want training in are:

• Developing a telephone voice
• Refining Listening skills:
When you call a debtor and you state the reason for your call or ask a question, wait for them to answer. No matter how long the pause is, let them break the silence.
• Managing the emotional side: Debtors will get upset that you are calling them. They will cry, yell, swear and hang up on you. When a debtor starts telling you his life history of despair and how this affects why they cannot pay, you need to be able to have compassion for the situation but offer a solution to get the debt paid. Such as a payment plan or different options for payment.
• Preparing the pre-call plan: Before you ever make a collection call you need to research the account. Before you dial you need to know the invoice number, date, amount that is past due, how past due it is, the payment history, details of the order and if there were any disputed items. When the debtor asks you a question you need to answer immediately whenever possible. This shows the debtor that you are serious.
• Making opening statement: Your opening statement should be brief and to the point. You need to identify yourself and your company, state why you are calling and what you want./ An example would be: Hi, this is Michelle from KTM Auto calling about your balance of $500.00 on invoice # 1234 dated 4/1/05. I am calling today to take your payment over the phone to clear this balance from your account. Would you like to pay with a check over the phone, debit or credit card? STOP! Let the debtor break the silence after your question and remember, always assume the debtor will pay.
• Asking questions with precision and Making the transition to the payment arrangement- All your questions should be clear and to the point with silence after each question.

Example: Debtor: I can't pay, I don't have any money
Collector: Are you working?
Debtor: Yes, but I just started a job and don't get paid for two weeks.
Collector: What day will you get paid?
Debtor: Friday
Collector: Okay, then you can mail a money order for $25 on Saturday.

This example can go so many different ways depending on the debtor's responses. You have to be positive and get them to agree to make a payment. Once you reiterate what is going to happen, send them a confirmation letter with a payment envelope. Then call them on Friday to remind them about mailing the payment. An example of what you could say could be:

"Hi this is Michelle from KTM Auto, calling to confirm you will be mailing a money order for $25 tomorrow, Saturday. " Remember, as a debt collector you must do the following:

• Manage the emotional side
• Prepare your pre-call plan
• Make the opening statement
• Ask questions with precision
• Make the transition to the payment arrangement
• Handle Objections - You need to become familiar with common debtor objections. The best way to do this is to make collection calls.
• Closing the call - Your last statement should reiterate everything covered in your call. Repeat all actions that will be taken. Example:
"Okay, on Saturday you will mail a money order for $25 in the envelope I send you today. Then you will send $25 a month every Saturday until May 15th."

You cannot be to clear and follow up is the key to success. If you don't follow up on any of the above actions, you are wasting your time and money.

Michelle Dunn, author of an award winning book has spent the last 18 years stepping into dangerous debt collection potholes. She shares her hard-won expertise on debt collection with the titles in her "Collecting Money Series." She is the founder and president of Never Dunn Publishing, LLC and her 10 year old Credit & Collections Association with over 1075 members. Michelle started and ran M.A.D. Collection Agency for 8 years. Visit and for more information.

Is There Really a Way To Make Money Online?

Believe it or not, the fact that you are reading this article right now has already proven my point. I know that may sound a little confusing at first, but once you allow me to explain then you'll have that voice in the back of your head saying "Ahhh, now I get it!"

I am sure that at some point in time you have had your inbox crammed full of information on how you can become a millionaire over night, and all they have to do it buy their "proven" system and "abra-ca-dabra" you are rich. If that was really the case then every single one of us would be wealthy and there would be no need for any of this. I am always honest about my past failures. At first, I bit on everyone of these schemes thinking that with a shotgun approach I was bound to find something that would work...Wrong!!! I have come to realize that these guys are strictly salesmen, and some of them are very good at it. They were the only people that were making money, off of me and a lot of people just like me.

Some of these programs had some "real potential" or at least that is what I thought. They actually made sense, they had step-by-step instructions, all kinds of "testimonials" from people who were getting stinking rich from that program. My favorite is when they get "gurus' just like themselves to hype up the program like it is a breakthrough of epic proportions. But all they do is trade off recommendations to help make themselves even wealthier. It just seemed to be the same thing day after day...the programs themselves were starting to contain the exact same information, just a different title and some added hype.

Honestly, I gave up...I had lost all faith in some of the so-called gurus who were pushing products that did nothing but pad their own pockets. I knew that with the sheer size of the internet and the rapidly growing number of internet users that there was unlimited potential out there, but I just couldn't find a way to tap into it. To be honest with you, I didn't give up...I just had to take a long break. My pessimism was taking over and there was really no drive in me to keep looking, besides I was tapped out. With all the programs, PPC advertising, and web design and hosting costs, I just had no more money to spend on it!

During my "break", my wife made a comment to me that I will never forget. She basically said "Why in the hell do you need millions of dollars, anyway?" Honestly, I could have come up with all kinds of answers to that question, but thinking to myself I knew that everyone of them would sound extremely selfish and greedy. And that wasn't who I was. Honestly, who wouldn't want to make a million dollars, but the question is do we really need it.

Believe it or not, I honestly took her words to heart. It actually lit another spark under me to get back out there, but this time I wasn't looking to get rich. I just wanted on "real" opportunity to make some extra money, no matter how little it was. I didn't want to spend any money on the "get rich quick" schemes, in fact, I didn't even want to spend any extra money on marketing. I was going to do it my own way! That is when I found out the power of article marketing. A free way of getting information out to the masses without having to spend a cent.

So that is exactly what I did. I joined some affiliate programs, and starting writing articles, lots of them. But oddly enough, I was still spending less time on the computer than I had done previously, and I was definitely spending less money. There wasn't much happening at first, but I can still remember the first time I checked my account and found that I had been credited for a sale. I was ecstatic!! It was only $34 dollars, but I didn't care because something that I was doing actually worked. So I kept at it, just writing one or two articles a day. Eventually I was being credited for sales on a regular basis and sometimes I was averaging $100 a day. At one point, I thought to myself if I could double or triple my efforts then I could make even more money. But I stopped myself right there! I didn't want to find myself in the same mindset that I was previously, I had no reason to become greedy.

Now let me stop for a second and refer back to the first paragraph of this article. Remember, I mentioned that the fact that you were reading this was already proving my point. It didn't cost me a single cent to submit this article, and with the experience that I have had I was able to write this in about 15 minutes. Do you know that there are nearly a thousand article directories on the web, obviously some are more popular than others, but they are still out there, available to everyone that uses the internet. If you submit an article someone will read it, I guarantee it. Some articles will be read more than others, but someone will read what you have to say.

What if you could tie that into something, say an info-product on a topic that you are very familiar with. How many articles could you write on that topic? 50, 60, maybe even a hundred. And then you submit those articles to a minimum of 20 different article directories. Just think of the exposure that you could get without spending a single dime! These articles will eventually turn into sales for you, and before you know it you could have a steady stream of income that wasn't there, say a month ago. If this is of interest to you, or you just want to find out more, I have actually set up a 3 day e-course on how you can put it to use. It is what I lovingly refer to as the $100 a Day Income System. And guess what, sticking to the theme of this article, this e-course won't cost you a single dime. So let's get started!!

Be a part of the Grand Opening of the new Affiliate Mega Store. A unique website that will offer you all the information and tools that you will ever need to drive in the traffic, convert one sale after another, and crush your competition! Best of all, there will be NO $50+ price tags! Stop spending loads of money on "hyped-up techniques" that don't bring in a single cent!

Christopher William "Affiliate Marketing used to be a hobby of mine, but it has now turned into a passion...The last sale still feels just as good as the first!"

Monday, November 5, 2007

Writing for Money

Writing a book.

If you think that this is a daunting task, you would be right, if it were a novel or autobiography you were starting out on.

If you think that writing a book is all work, you would be wrong. It is an extremely enjoyable way of getting out and about, of meeting people and having a good laugh.

I first started writing at an early age, not for profit, but because I enjoyed writing funny sketches, jokes, lyrics and practically any topic that was suggested, I could write something about.

I mentioned earlier that writing a book could be fun and of course entertaining, but it won't pay your wages. I have a suggestion that worked very well for myself and there is no reason why it couldn't work for you.

I am talking about a book that anyone could write and in a fairly short space of time. It's a comedy book. I wrote a book some years ago.

Let me explain how I came to write this particular book. My father was an undertaker later on in his life, he told me of some very humourous things that they got up to. I thought he was joking as I didn't recall ever seeing an undertaker with a smile on his face. Now my father had a really dry sense of humour and I suppose a little of it rubbed off on me. I have a normal sense of humour, but some of the stories my father told me really made me sit up and listen. I didn't believe all of them or course, I thought that initially, he was pulling my leg. He wasn't!

He introduced me to some of his work colleagues one evening in the local pub and they in turn introduced me to others. I heard so many funny stories and so many not so funny stories, that I thought I would try and document them down in some form or other.

The next time we met up of course, I was armed with a small tape recorder that I used to catch all the stories. I was even invited to go to their houses so they could talk in private about some of the weird things that had happened during the course of their working life as undertakers or morticians etc.

After about 4 weeks, I was getting really involved with the storylines and decided to put an advert into a paper that came out only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays called LooT.

The advert was picked up by Granada Television and Nicky Campbell for a program called Classified Ads that went out on a Sunday.

I was asked along to the TV studio on Sunday morning along with all the other people who had strange adverts running in the local paper. I had to relate one of the stories whilst on the set. I didn't finish the story of course, because I added at the end of the story that to find out what happened at the end, they would have to buy the book. The program was scheduled for release the following Sunday. I told the story of course and Nicky Campbell was fascinated and asked me at the end of the program, what happened so I told him. He was flabbergasted! You won't find out either, you'll have to buy the book!

I got many stories from people watching the program the following Sunday, as Granada kept a log of all the requests coming in to the studios in Manchester.

There is no reason why you cannot write a book on the stories you hear from Firemen, Police, Hospital workers, Ambulance crew etc. There really is money to be made, if you have the commitment to go out and meet these people. Yes it does take a large chunk of free time out of your family life, but hey, it's worth it just to see your name on the book cover and it selling next to the likes of Bridget Jones's Diary. (No 25 on the best selling Humour list no less!) Check out the link yourself. If the link is not live, try copy paste to the browser〈=EN

It should take approximately 6 weeks to do the research, asking all the questions of the people etc. After that period, it should take around three weeks to get all the documentation fixed. If you have a friend who draws good cartoons or can illustrate, even better. I had such an illustrator who did all the illustrations for my book. To see it on the e-shelves, is just fantastic. It is selling quite well. When I first hawked it round all the publishers, there was little interest, especially from a first-time writer. So what is the best vehicle to launch the book? Yes, the internet.

If you were to write a book on Firemen's funny stories, you have a captive audience first of all, about 100,000 firemen in the UK, then to the USA, where there are around 3.5 million, and then there's the general public who love funny stories about their heros, as well as life-saving scenarios as well!

Even if only 1 percent of the target audience bought your book, you have a very healthy profit and a very luxurious lifestyle. I can't do that at present, I'm now based in Holland, so it would be difficult for me to do any more interviews in the UK.

I have written many books, all of which have not been published yet, but that is about to change. I have written many thousands of articles for newspapers, magazines and newsletters for companies, which I still do now of course.

Have a look at the book on you will find out more about what I do on the about page of the website.

I have written for many magazines you have heard of and one you don't want to hear of. Authored many books and thousands of articles and newsletters. I have written to order on specific topics in a humourous vein.

If you want to know more about starting your own internet business, or more about writing, go to This is going to be a mega website in the not so distant future, but go there yourself and read why. Look at the mission statement. I mean business!

I have written many thousands of articles, three books and many newsletters for the companies I have worked for. I have written many business articles and of course, I have suggested many business ideas that are internet based businesses and some non-internet based ideas.

For the Humourous book, go to the website or for the business ideas and internet business site, go to the website

Money With SEO

So where is the real money in SEO? Well, like any business, the incoming revenue (client fees) has to cover expenses before the owners and shareholders can count profits. So the operational challenge of a business (including an SEO business) is to minimize expenses while maximizing revenues. The goal of an SEO Firm must be to optimize the productivity of internal people, measuring revenue as part of the success metric. The more those people are paid in salary, the more revenue needed to provide profits after expenses. Since most fee-for-service situations do not tie project revenue directly to the productivity of the workers on the project, the "sales" department must generate the revenue. Who is the sales department in your SEO firm?

Maybe it's clear why there are so many "boiler room" SEO Firms out there cold-calling customers and selling sub-standard SEO services. They are simply maximizing revenues, while minimizing expenses by hiring minimally capable SEOs (or doing minimal work). What is the flip side of that coin? I think it's people like me: independent SEO consultants hired to work with the best web designers and coders and marketers on projects where someone else is already hard at work maximizing revenues, and where that exact person (or team) has definitively determined they need SEO to help them maximize the revenues.

I usually refer to that last aspect as "the business team working strategically with the SEO" because really that is what it is. It's about maximizing revenue. It's not about minimizing expenses. Minimizing expenses is a positive side effect of hiring the best people available for the job. The best people get the job done right, the first time, and most efficiently, especially when they are also working with best people (that "A" team thing).

Guy Katir

These websites will show you how to triple your sales and blow-up your bank accounts in as easy as 1-2-3.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Make Money Typing Online

Make money typing online, or fall for the type at home scam? Many people look for ways to make money online and if you have access to a computer, internet and have keyboard skills, then typing for money would seem like a good option. It's not easy to weed out the few type at home legitimate and ethical programs from those programs that are just out to make a quick buck off innocent people.

The thing is, there are actually legitimate type at home programs out there. It's just a matter of doing the right research and finding one that will make you money. It is also important that you choose a type at home program that offers a money back guarantee. Even if a program is legitimate you may still find that typing at home just isn't for you.

When you join a make money typing online program it is important to read all the instructions carefully. No matter what money-making opportunity you choose there will be a learning curve. Money won't just start rolling in straight away. There will be work involved but if you are willing to put the work in it is possible to make quite good money.

Legitimate online typing jobs can be done by anyone and it doesn't matter what experience, education or abilities you have. You don't even have to be a super fast typist as the typing usually just involves filling in forms rather than typing out large documents.

The internet is full of money making opportunities, but it is important to choose one that you can trust. Don't fall for a program promising that you can make $1000 a day within the next week or $100's an hour. Making money online is never quite that easy. Instead choose a simple make money typing online program. It won't make you rich, but if you choose a legitimate typing program you can be sure that you will earn some extra money for yourself and your family.

With Christmas coming maybe you are interested in finding out how to REALLY make money typing online.

I've tried Keyboarding 4 Cash (and I make some money with it!) - for more information (plus a 50% OFF coupon) visit

Affiliate Money Machine!

Welcome, Are you looking for the best way to make phenomenal money online?

Let Us Help You Find The Best Online Money Making Programs

Let's be Honest, there are a lot of sites out there that claim they can make you money online. Don't be fooled by all the HYPE, there are only a few products out there that we consider to be worthy of mentioning. Making Money online doesn't have to be difficult and can be easy and enjoyable. Are you a beginner with no Online Marketing Experience? Perhaps you've dabbled in the industry for a while but just haven't been able to make profits. We know that finding Online money making guides is difficult, but we're here to help. Below is the top Online money making guide!

The Affiliate Money Machine - Offers Genuine Money Making Opportunities!

The Affiliate Money Machine offers money making affiliate opportunities that are written with beginners and intermediate marketers in mind. Although the supplementary guides included in each of the packages cover all basics of Internet Marketing, the system offers methods for people who already understand how Internet Marketing Works. The focus is on techniques that will increase your online earnings up to 500%. We highly recommend anyone of these products.

I would like to start by saying that the sheer volume of bonuses and freebies you receive when you buy anyone of the packages, presented in Affiliate Money Machine, can be a little intimidating. In all there are 108 bonuses given away with each of the packages. These bonuses are a definite plus to the package helping the affiliate learn varies strategies in growing his/her business. Some of the bonuses are complete products in their own right, which sell at various prices through different marketers on the internet but here you get them free. At present one of the special bonus items is a free website that would normally cost $1,109.00. How they can continue to give such a free bonus away simply astounds me.

Enough of the bonuses, do the money packages that The Affiliate Money Machine promote deliver on their bold statements, after all the headline on the sales page claims you can earn thousands of dollars with less than an hours work each day and then its on auto-pilot. Each package definitely delivers although I would have to say that I currently have to do more than an hours work to achieve high levels of income. I admit this time has come down as some of the techniques for generating income streams now run on auto-pilot but then I like to keep an eye on things, perhaps this will change in time but for the time being I like a hands on approach. Of course the sales page is there to sell the product and it would be foolish of me not to mention that to achieve the high earnings, which are quoted, does require effort on the part of the purchaser. Do not expect that you are going to buy anyone of the products and the next day be earning hundreds of thousands of dollars. As with any small business venture there is a learning curve that has to be undertaken and once mastered has the possibility to earn you a substantial income for the rest of your life.

Definitely a Genuine Money Making Opportunity!

To review The Affiliate Money Machine go to: THE AFFILIATE MONEY MACHINE!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Making Money From Selling Advertising Space

If you would observe the company that delivers the daily paper to your doorstep for a business case study, you will come to learn that the newspaper publisher hires reporters, writers and other important staff to create the contents and deliver the papers to their readers.

In addition to the above mention, the publisher has to invest regularly in heavy duty machineries and tons of papers in printing tons of newspapers on a daily basis.

And in order to ensure that the newspapers are delivered on time, the publisher appoints agents at every part of the covered territory.

So, how does the newspaper company make money? It is obvious that selling a copy of the papers at less than a dollar would not even be able to even fund the operations.

The answer? Selling advertising spaces! You have definitely seen lots of advertisements in the newspaper. The publisher simply sells advertising space in the papers to advertisers who want to leverage their advertising efforts on the paper's high readership.

On the same analogy, you can make money the exact way from your newsletter: simply by selling advertising space to prospective advertisers!

If your mailing list size exceeds 1,000 (5,000 is recommended) subscribers and beyond, you can start selling advertising space for say, $10.00 per sponsor ad.

In this manner, you turn every issue you send out to your subscribers into a profit-pulling device. And since there is virtually no end to the stream of advertisers as products, services and businesses are cropping every single day in every industry imaginable, so are your money making opportunities.

Peter has an extensive knowledge of Internet Marketing and loves to write about it. He manges many campaigns on different levels as his articles states. The website he has develops is there to help anyone who needs it.

How To Make Money Being Online

OK, so you'd like to make money being online. Sounds a good idea, but is it really possible? Or will you spend more money trying to find out how to make money by being online?

There are some ways you can make money online.

Some sites pay you for completing surveys. So long as the site is reputable, you can make money by taking part in consumer surveys. It won't be much cash but you know before you take the survey how much you'll be paid and you're usually given an indication of how long it will take to complete.

You can set up a blog to talk about your favorite subjects. If you start getting traffic to your blog, you can monetize it by placing adverts on it, maybe using Google's Adsense service or creating links to related products and getting commission when someone makes a purchase.

Writing articles - such as this one - can be a good way to drive traffic to your blog. It will take a bit of time to do this, unless you pay someone else to write them for you, but when you write an interesting article it can send a lot of traffic to the site you're promoting. In turn, this can start making you some money.

Once you get the taste for making money on the internet, you can broaden out into other areas that pay commission. Look out for affiliate promotions that can earn you cash for either sending to a website or, more commonly, introducing people who go on to buy a product.

Find out more about how to make money being online. There are lots of ideas in this free report, available for instant download.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Should You Take Online Surveys For Money

What would you really be getting if you decide to try and take online surveys for money? Would you really get paid cash or would you just be giving out your email address to a company that will bombard you with spam? Will you really gain access to a great list of paid surveys companies or will the directory take your cash then give you access to a site packed with out of date links?

The fact is that all of the above can be true. There are companies that provide cash for online surveys but then again there are also those that simply want your email address to try and sell you there products. The same with paid surveys directories, some will offer you a list full of good survey companies willing to pay you cash and some will offer a list of out of date links and companies that they are only offering because they make a commission for sending you there ( these are usually the ones that spam you ).

Like anything else on the internet there is good and bad but if you can find the good then you can certainly take online surveys for money, the question once you've found a good site however is should you bother?

If you really want to make surveys work then they will. The only real effort is at the very beginning because if you really want to make money with surveys you need to sign up with as many companies that offer them as possible. I'm not talking one or two, or even 30 to 40 I'm talking about 100 plus companies. This is what it will take for you to make the most out of online surveys.

Once you've done the signing up though online surveys are easy and quick to take part in and virtually anyone can take part. There is no other way to make money on the internet that is as easy and takes as little time.

As long as you don't think you can take online surveys for money and become a millionaire and you use a good survey directory ( and put the list to use ) then online surveys are definitely something you should be doing to make some extra cash.

Adam Bradley is a paid surveys expert who currently runs Paid Surveys Scam For more tips, articles, reviews and information on paid surveys Click Here

5 Tips to Make Money Fast at Home Online

The internet provides a way to make money at home online. There are ways to make money fast or to build a business slow. All that is needed is a computer and an internet access. Now you need to find a legitimate way to make money.

The internet is full of empty promises on how to make money at home fast. The problem is that most of the promises of making thousands a week are scams. There are a few legitimate home businesses however, that will generate quick cash but will not make you rich. To make a large amount of wealth is very possible only this takes a while to build.

Here are a few tips on making money quickly online.

1. - Join an auction site such as, eBay, and sell old stuff you have laying around the house. It is a good way to clean the clutter out of the house and make some quick cash. May sure what you are offering is what people are looking for or you will lose money in auction fees and shipping.

2. - Join an online paid survey site; this is a great way to earn fast cash just for giving your opinion. It is also quite fun too. Just be careful that you do not get involved in a scam survey company.

3. - You could write articles and sell them to content sites. Unless you know how to write articles for the internet, this could have a long learning curve to it before you start making money.

4. - People are also making money online blogging. If you have been involved in blogging for a while you know how popular they are. There are companies that will pay you to post their advertisements on your blog. This is not an area that I am real familiar with, but I do know people that are making good money doing this.

5. - Many people advertise their services online. If you know data processing, freelance writing, computer technical skills or any specialized skills you are very marketable. Web designers are in demand all over the internet. Writing computer program codes are big money. Write a how-to e-book on one of your passions or skills and sell it online.

There are just so many ways to make money fast at home online. Your life experiences and skills determine how fast and how much. Or you can start out simple, like I did and take online paid surveys, until I figured out my way around the internet.

Find other ways to make money online at: Make Money with Make Money Online at Home Opportunities